Friday, January 14, 2011

The Resolutions

As a personal trainer the term "Resolutions" is used often in reference to those who will rejoin the gym or start a membership for the first time after the first of the year. Unfortunately those of us who work at the gym or are persistent goers, know we will see over 70% of the new faces no more when spring time rolls around and some won't even make it that long. This is a booming time of year for the fitness industry. I know it's horrible to make loot off of others vulnerability and insecurities however if fitness is your livelihood then you had better take advantage of this time of year or you will be left in the dust. My first supervisor as a personal trainer used to motivate us by saying the training you sell now will pay your bills the rest of this year and that was so true. I remember doing fitness assessment after fitness assessment hoping and praying during each one that they would sign a contract and I'd be able to pay rent. At that first club where I worked I probably signed about 1 out of every 10 or 15 fitness assessments I took new members through. I started work in January of 2010 and instantly started working 60+ hour weeks until mid February. As much as I absolutely hated all those hours, and all the people who didn't purchase training I missed it by the end of February. If I couldn't sell hardly any training in January with all the complimentary workouts I was giving then how would I sell if I did less than half the amount just a month later?! This is when I learned that the personal training business is not for me. As my husband once put it, "You are at the mercy of the public." Many trainers have built up rapport of many years and can now make an ok living off of their training and live a mostly normal life. Some of the things I do love about the work is that I have complete control over my schedule and business. Not to mention I am doing what I LOVE as work! Not many people can say they are passionate about their job but I definitely am. I truly believe that outside of faith in Christ having a healthy lifestyle full of lots of physical activity and good nutrition is the key to an energetic life full of great fulfillment but I won't step up on my soap box about that, since you all know exactly why plenty of exercise and a wholesome diet are better than the alternative. Being passionate about our work is one thing all trainers have in common. No one does this for the money or the great hours and benefits. It is simply because they absolutely love it and will devote their lives to helping people realize and live out this very difficult but so obvious truth. Notice I said "very difficult"..... yes, I know it's hard to fit it in your life, yes.... I know healthy food doesn't taste good..... and yes, I know not everyone can afford a personal trainer; afterall it is considered a luxury. Believe me all of us trainers have heard every excuse in the book and it keeps us sane to vent to one another. I'm not trying to bash or create shame and guilt but to elude to the fact that your trainer does exactly what you fear.....complains about their clients. Don't get me wrong, we love you and want you to succeed. Compare it to complaining about a family member; you love them but sometimes if they say that one thing one more time, you are going to jump out the window! You all know what I'm talking about. So to keep ourselves sane and from letting it all boil over on you, the client, us trainers will frequently complain about the most recent new member we gave a workout to;
"he was a "usedtobe"" or "his work schedule is too erratic" or "she has never eaten breakfast and cannot imagine starting now" and there are plenty of other norms out there. My least favorite is, "Are you sure this exercise will get rid of my pouch?" or any other doubt they may have in my program. Isn't it enough that I have my Kinesiology/Exercise Physiology degree from a Big10 school or that I am certified from a Nationally Accredited Institution? Some people just take more convincing I guess. Do I feel guilty about my lack of grace or mercy for the generally inactive population who doubt my expertise? Definitely. I often feel like behind closed doors I am not patient enough with my clients and I need to be less like Jillian Micheals and more like the Bob...... whatever his last name is. I often think that just because I know something so well that I could teach it in my sleep, everyone else does too. Now maybe you're not a personal trainer but those of you out there who are very highly trained and educated in your practice can relate: "If one more student asks me why they need to know math, I'm going to....", "If one more kid tries to lie to me about his criminal record....." or "If one more......" put your own story in there. What's your day to day annoyance with the general public?
Mine was brought up to me in a very obvious way this morning as I read the story of Moses and the burning bush. This is one you probably know very well. Even those of you who don't have a religion have probably heard of it or had it read to you at some point in your life. Refresh yourself; Exodus 4. The gist of the story is that God wants to use Moses to free his people, the Israelites. Not only does God use a flaming bush, which doesn't actually burn up, to get Moses' attention, he shows him 2 miracles, not including the bush trick, to convince a reluctant Moses of how serious he his about this mission. Then when Moses is still whining about the potential barriers, he gives him more miraculous signs, and a companion, Aaron. As I read this I was like, "Really, Moses! You are talking to The God! Why are you arguing? Aren't you honored to take on this challenge in his name? Shut your mouth and do what he says. He has way more experience and wisdom than you do in ALL areas so why put up the fight?" God is thinking the same thing because he says,
"Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
There it is, a list of God's degrees, certifications and loads of experience, but Moses still argues with him and is so afraid of overcoming his barrier of speech and facing potential death that nothing seems to be a comfort.
I put myself in God's shoes as the personal trainer with the very stubborn client before I realized that I can actually better relate to Moses. How many times in my life have I only seen my road blocks and not God and his credentials? Unfortunately way too often. God is saying to me, "Really? Do you know who I am?" Then he reminds me of all the ways he has saved my life and rescued me from death and destruction and promises to always do so. His grace is infinite. I don't need to quote a verse to show you. There are verses all over the Bible just open it up and I'm sure after a few pages of reading you will see that promise written out for you, again and again and again.
My New Year's Resolution is to be more patient and graceful with the "Resolutions" just as God is continuously patient and graceful with me and all my doubts. Now making a second New Year's Resolution to never doubt God is very overwhelming and instead I'll make a daily resolution to surrender my burdens, fears and all other road blocks at his feet where they will not take my focus away from him and his purpose for my life.

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